Local Suppliers

We have a dedicated team of specialist advisers located nationwide who will be happy to answer all your stairlift questions over the phone.

Our highly trained staff offer free impartial advice and can put you in touch with local stairlift suppliers who have been vetted to provide only the highest levels of customer service.

We have also negotiated exclusive discounts with trusted firms who cover your area and you could save up to 30% off the cost of your purchase.

There’s no hard sell. Just simple impartial advice … the old fashioned way.

Call us today, or fill out the form below and see how much you can save

Country City Telephone
England Exeter 01392 510 919
London 020 7175 1380
Birmingham 0121 330 1370
Stoke-on-Trent 01782 360 038
Manchester 0161 262 1075
Liverpool 0151 205 0825
Nottingham 0115 839 0310
Coventry 0247 607 0195
Wales Cardiff 02920 140 185
Scotland Glasgow 0141 214 0082
Northern Ireland Belfast 028 9014 0895
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Stairlifts Reviews